
Wyndham Forensic Group is now one of only a handful of laboratories accredited by the Standards Council of Canada to perform DNA relationship testing for immigration. All applicants should be aware that Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) recognizes results from accredited laboratories only.

DNA testing is an invaluable tool for verifying biological relationships between individuals. Each year, about 250,000 people immigrate to Canada — often leaving countries and circumstances that make it difficult to obtain reliable documents confirming their identity or their family relationships. In cases where the documentary evidence is insufficient — or even non-existent — a DNA test may be the only reliable way to verify the relationships between family members involved in an immigration application.

Whether you need testing for a sponsorship application here in Canada, or to arrange a DNA test for a family member overseas, Wyndham Forensic Group is here to help. We provide immigration clients with efficient, reliable DNA testing and timely results that are recognized by CIC.

Here’s how it works:

  • Contact us to discuss your requirements and the associated fees at info@wyndhamforensic.ca or call 1-855-278-4377 (toll free) or 519-822-9344.
  • Provide a copy of the letter from CIC stating which relationship(s) need to be verified and the contact information for all the individuals to be tested.
  • Remit payment.
  • Wyndham Forensic Group will notify the appropriate CIC office, embassy or consulate to advise them that testing is in process. You will be advised of any specific instructions for each collection as different offices may have different requirements.
  • DNA samples will be collected from each applicant and will be forwarded with a chain of custody to our facility for testing.
  • Results will be provided to you or your legal representative and the appropriate CIC office within three to five days of all samples arriving at our laboratory.