Wfg Consumer DNA Test Kits
Wfg Consumer DNA Test Kits provide convenient, reliable, and ISO:17025 accredited genetic testing to help establish family relationships such as paternity, maternity or siblings. Our test kits are easy to use and are designed to be used at your own convenience. Kits are shipped to your address with clear instructions for use. Test results are emailed about 5 business days after the kits are returned to the Wfg laboratory. Standard kinship testing is conducted with at least 22 STR genetic markers.
Wfg Consumer Test Kits are not intended for legal purposes.
Paternity testing establishes whether a man is the biological father of one or more children. A paternity test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for the putative father and each of the children to be tested. An additional kit can be ordered to include the mother in the test.
Maternity testing establishes whether a woman is the biological mother of one or more children. A maternity test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for the putative mother and each of the children to be tested. An additional kit can be ordered to include the father in the test.
Full siblings (bother/sister) share 2 biological parents. Based on the amount of shared DNA between individuals, the probability of a sibling relationship is calculated. A sibling test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for each putative sibling.
D – Half- Siblings
Half – siblings (half-bother/half-sister) share 1 biological parent. Based on the amount of shared DNA between individuals, the probability of a half-sibling relationship is calculated. A half-sibling test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for each putative half-sibling.
Twin DNA testing will determine the likelihood that two individuals are identical twins relative to the likelihood that they are fraternal (non-identical) twins. Identical twins have the exact same DNA profile while fraternal twins share DNA but do not have the same DNA profile. A twin test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for each twin.
F- Aunt/Uncle
Full-aunt / full-uncle means that the putative aunt/uncle shares both parents with the biological parents of the niece/nephew. Half-aunt/uncle means that the putative aunt/uncle shares one biological parent with the biological parents of the niece/nephew. Based on the amount of shared DNA between the putative aunt/uncle and the niece/nephew, the probability of a full aunt/uncle or half aunt/uncle relationship is calculated. The test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for one aunt/uncle (full or half) and one niece/nephew (full or half).
Grandparentage testing is useful when the biological parents are not available for testing. Based on the amount of shared DNA between the putative grandparent and a child, the probability of a grandparent relationship is calculated. A standard grandparent test includes a Wfg Consumer Test Kit for the putative grandparent and the child. Additional kits can be ordered for the other putative grandparent or additional children.
H – Y-STR haplotype
Y-STR haplotype testing is for males only and is used to establish paternal lineages. This testing does not determine the specific relationship between males but maybe useful for genealogical purposes.
I – Human Cell Line Authentication (CLA)
STR (short tandem repeat) testing is the gold-standard in authenticating and validating human cell lines. One CLA Kit is required for each human cell line to be tested. Easy to follow instructions are included. Results are emailed approximately 10 days after the CLA Kit is returned to the Wfg laboratory.