Your body,
your evidence
Accredited testing for evidence of sexual assault
SAFEkit™ is a private testing option for evidence of sexual assault. Now available from Wyndham Forensic Group, SAFEkit™ provides patients with information they need to make informed choices and support their recovery.
Administered by healthcare providers, SAFEkit™ puts patients in control. It may be used on its own or in addition to the sexual assault evidence kits used in criminal investigations.
Developed by forensic scientists with decades of experience in criminal and civil cases, SAFE kit™ provides members of the public with affordable access to the same quality forensic services available to law enforcement agencies and legal professionals. All sample collection, handling and testing meets the standards of evidence required for use in a court of law.
Fast. Reliable. Confidentiality guaranteed.

For Patients
SAFEkit™ is designed for use by trained healthcare professionals who ensure that all sample collection, handling and testing follows a documented chain of custody, allowing the results to be used in court.
All samples are sent to the Wyndham Forensic Group for analysis. Our lab is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada and our scientists have decades of experience in testing for criminal and civil sexual assault cases.
Test results belong to you unless you consent to their release. You may wish to obtain legal advice about pursuing criminal or civil action. You don’t need to decide anything right away — but by collecting evidence immediately and in the right way, you keep your options open.
Confidentiality is guaranteed.
Wyndham Forensic Group is also available to provide expert testimony in court about your SAFEkit™ results for an additional fee.

Hospital Staff
The SAFEkit™ provides comfort in the form of answers for patients who may be unsure of the facts related to their alleged assault or are reluctant to involve the authorities, at least initially. It can be delivered as a user-pay service or, where funding is available, through enhanced patient care programs.
Each SAFEkit™ contains a swab, packaging and instructions to ensure proper collection, handling, labelling, storage and shipping of samples. It also includes information for patients explaining the process as well as what can and cannot be learned from DNA testing.
Please contact Wyndham Forensic Group regarding custom testing for DNA on clothing or other items as special handling may be required.

DNA Testing
Each person’s circumstances are unique. Forensic testing may yield some answers but:
- It cannot tell if an activity was consensual.
- Bathing, showering or even sweating may make it impossible to retrieve samples for testing.
- The absence of DNA evidence does not necessarily mean that an assault did not occur.
Here’s how it works:
- Medical staff will use the swab provided to collect a sample from your body.
- Medical staff will complete the SAFEkit™ submission form, then seal the form and swab in the tamper-evident pouch provided.
- The SAFEkit™ pouch is sent to our accredited lab for testing and analysis.
- Results will be provided to you via email in a written report.
- Once testing is completed, all swabs, samples and extracted DNA will be destroyed after 60 days unless otherwise directed.